
By the time I was released from service (honorably of course) I had a wardrobe which consisted of a slip and a pair of stockings well, not really a pair, one was an 8 while the other was an 11 or so! With more time on my hands and hence more frequent excursions into TV, the whole thing began to disturb me more and more until I resolved to get busy again, to complete my education, To "become someone", and to drive this damned silly business out of my head! This I did - for a month or so! I suppose I didn't really want to or I might have been successful. I became more disturbed as my wardrobe grew and my grades declined. Then, in the midst of this mental upheavel, who trips daintily down the ramp of a plane but Christine.....


What confusion! There was I, in my bachelor apart- ment where I frequently enjoyed conjugal relationships with several girls - one at a time of course utterly despondent because of this alien desire to actually be the object of my own desire. But, I lived through it so did Cynthia to climb to the top in the field of ele- ctronics marketing.


Marriage did not cure my TV, as I mistakenly thou- ght it would I suppose we all know this by now. After about a year of marriage, I decided to tell my wife. At first she was, justifiably, angered and disturbed. Angered because I had concealed it from her from the beginning and disturbed by her interpretation of the implications of TV, But now, nine years later, her attitude has chan- ged. She has learned more by reading the few good books on the subject and by discussing it with doctors. She has also learned that we are not all cooky characters through meeting well over 100 others for which possibility we are grateful to Virginia and this magazine which we discov- ered about three years ago.


Where do we go from here? Who knows? Cynthia has been brought out of the dark recesses. She has emerged as a fairly stable (by comparison) personality some will disagree! She has been recognized, baptized and releas- ed- of course I cannot give her full rein. A year ago we introduced her to her Mother and I kicked myself for not having done this many years ago Mother likes her. Most of the time Cynthia's demands for attention are rea-

